Data-Science Series(Practical-9)- Perform Data Analytics on the given dataset to generate a report in PowerBI.
In this article, we’ll look at how to Perform Data Analytics using PowerBI using the given dataset and generate a Report that contains various visualizations.
What is a Power BI Report?
A Power BI report is a multi-perspective view of a dataset that includes visualizations that illustrate various discoveries and insights from the dataset. A report can contain a single visualization or multiple visualizations across multiple pages. A report’s visualizations are similar to those on a dashboard, but they serve a distinct purpose.
These aren’t static visualizations. In fact, with extremely interactive and customizable representations that update as the underlying data changes, it’s far from the case. To discover insights and find solutions, you can add and remove data, alter visualization kinds, and apply filters to your model.
How is a Report Different from a Dashboard?
So, while the terms “report” and “dashboard” are sometimes used interchangeably, they are not synonymous. The features of a Report and those of a Dashboard are compared in the table below.
Let’s get started on the report now.
1. Go to my workspace and select the report.
2. Before you can create any reports in Power BI, you need a dataset for this I am going to use a sample dataset provided by Power BI.
Here I chose option 2 pick a published dataset and then upload the CSV file.
For the Covid vaccine Statewise Report You can create your own visualizations. Here I used Bar Chart, Pie Chart, and Geographical Chart.
We can create this visualization by Selecting columns from the field section and selecting proper visualization from the visualizations section.
We can also edit the report according to our needs.
There is an awesome feature provided by Power BI which is called Get Insights. After Selecting Columns Power BI Automatically finds some insights and generates some visualizations. This feature is really useful when we just want an overview of the dataset.
So that’s how you generate a report in PowerBI